Energy operations centre launched
Today GreenSync launched its Energy Operations Centre for remotely managing the energy needs of its clients.
The operations hub is based at GreenSync HQ in Melbourne and is the nerve centre where we dispatch, monitor and support all demand management activities undertaken at thousands of client sites across Australia.
The Centre has been launched in preparation for the 2012/13 summer during which our clients will benefit from real-time monitoring of their plant equipment through the summer heat.
The centre’s access to real-time information about activities within Australia’s National Electricity Market is essential for supporting the delivery of our products and services, particularly those which assist customers in leveraging electricity price fluctuations.
Customers enrolled in automated demand management programs run by electricity utilities and managed by GreenSync will also benefit from our enhanced monitoring capability, made possible by the launch of the Centre.
The Centre connects to GreenSync’s Cloud based PortfolioDR™ platform, which is used by utilities, energy risk managers and large energy users to manage network constraints. The system performs high fidelity analysis of historical energy usage and develops strategies, such as scheduled load drops, to minimise costs associated with peak demand periods.
The ability for GreenSync to now witness a client’s energy usage in real-time is a significant boon to its overall service and product offering.